
Women with the World’s Smallest Waists

What is the inspiration for most women who strive for super slim waists? Although most of these women do look weird, but still it might be an achievement in itself. Reducing your waist naturally demands a balanced diet, rigorous exercising and all other related measures. With this in mind, you should be included among the women who use natural strategies to reduce their waist. On the other hand, there are some women who go too far to reduce their waists. Like I said before, almost none of them look good in these waists, but still they are proud about it. Here are the 5 women with the smallest waists in the world.

5. Ioana Spangenberg

The picture might appear surgical to you, but trust me, it is an original. Ioana is the best example of anorexia nervosa. Her current weight is about six stones. What’s more bizarre is that she is persistent about her eating routines. She argues that she consumers fatty foods and drinks every day. Although she has tried to gain weight, but has never been successful in doing so.

Ioana Spangenberg

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4. Ethel Granger

She is known to have the smallest waist in the history of mankind. A number of sources have confirmed that her waist was about 13 inches. Her obsession for having an extra slim waist might have childhood origins, according to some psychoanalysts. It is still unknown that what are the measures and strategies she used to get such a bizarre waist.

Ethel Granger

smallest waist woman

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3. Michele Koebke

This woman has reduced her waist to 16 inches. Now you might be thinking about the tips and techniques she used to get such a reduced waist. You will be astounded to know that she used to wear a corset every single day to reduce her waist. The doctors are of the view that she might be suffering from a number of health related problems. Moreover, she is unable to stand most of the times while using a wearing a corset.

Michele Koebke

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2. Cathie Jung

With a corseted waist of about 15 inches, there are a number of reasons for which Cathie took up this obsession. One reason can be her likeness for Victorian Clothes. Although her waist is about 21 inches without using a corset, still some nutritionist tend to be skeptical about her waist. She has continually stated that she never used any form of surgery to reduce her waist.

Cathie Jung

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1. Nerina Orton

Nerina dreams that soon she might have the smallest waist in the world. Currently her waist is about 15.7 inches, but she plans to reduce it even further. The structure of her body indicates that she used a corset for a long time in order to have a desired appearance. Some of her friends have confirmed that she wears a corset even during her sleep.

Nerina Orton

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Categories:   Weird/Odd


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