
Top Ten Weird Superstitions Of All Time

A superstition comes from having a belief that is irrational and it arises from either fear or ignorance. We live in a world that is full of people who have all kinds of superstitions and some may or may not know that what they believe in is consider

ed a superstition. There are a few superstitions that might be logically such as walking under the ladder, however most of the time they just seem to be very ridiculous. Some people get so wrapped up in their superstitions that they those superstitions might start to control them and unfortunately, they live in fear because of it. Here are the top ten weird superstitions people believe in.

10. If there is a mirror in your home that suddenly falls down and then it just shatters and breaks, someone in the house might die soon. Another mirror superstition is that if you’re looking at a mirror and it cracks then you will have bad luck for 7 years.

9. When you see a penny on the ground and if it’s on tails and then you pick it up, you will have bad luck. However, one flip side about this one is if the penny is on the head and you pick it up then you will have good luck!

8. Many people enjoy having candles in their home. One old superstition is that if you have a candle in your home and suddenly the candle blows out then evil spirits might be near you. In a way you can understand as to why this might have been a big superstition in the olden days before they used power.

7. When you are moving around never take the broom with you. It’s just bad luck to do something like that and think of how much cheaper it is to just buy a new one instead of taking one that is used with you.

6. Do you remember as a kid trying to avoid stepping on a crack because it might break your mother’s back? I have to wonder if people really believe it or if it’s something that they just sung for fun and to look cool? I think that if people believe this one to be real that they might not admit to it.

5. We’ve all received gifts that we don’t like. However, if you receive a gift from your lover that is a knife there is a superstition that the relationship will soon be ending. If you stop and think about it this superstition makes since. It is more common to give your lover some chocolates instead of a knife. Maybe you should really be scared if you do indeed get a knife as a gift from your lover…but after all, it’s just a superstition…isn’t it?

4. If you’re standing in a circle you’ll never have to worry about evil spirits harming you again. A lot of people perform rituals in a circle in order to keep the evil spirits out and many believe to this day that forming a circle helps.

3. It is very important to have an umbrella. You never know exactly when it’s going to rain and so you should have one at home and nearby you if possible. Have you ever found yourself about to go

out and open up the umbrella inside? Don’t do that! If you do that then you bring about bad luck on yourself! You do know that is just a superstition, right?

2. Black cats look so very cute and adorable but there is just something scary about them. If one runs right in front of you then you will have bad luck so be careful of those black cats.

1. Now, for the number one superstition of all time is Friday the 13th. If you are scared of Friday the 13th then you might want to look up friggatriskaidekaphobics. This fear dates way back in the early 1800’s. A new study shows around 17 million people fear this day and so therefore, it lands its place in the number one spot for the top ten superstitions of all time.

Categories:   Weird/Odd


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