
Top 10 Most Unusual Places for Getting Married

Getting married is just like seeking out for a perspective in one’s life. Almost all of the successful couples I know accept the fact that there road to seeking out each other was indeed a rocky one, but in the end they were the ones

who emerged successful. In the start you may find some disappointing stages and times, but the best thing is to remain committed to each other. But I am not here to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of getting married. My motive is to share with some of the most unusual places where you can get married. The place which you select for your marriage can indeed be very helpful in leaving a long lasting impression on the minds of others. Making other women and men jealous from the venue of your marriage, is in some ways a good start for your marriage. Not to worry, as the envy of others is not going to influence your relation at all. The places which I would be sharing with you are unique as well bizarre. In the end, it depends on you whether or not you select one of these places for your marriage. Here is the list of the top 10 most unusual places for getting married.

10. Bean Burrito

There are only two couples who are famous for getting married at these bizarre places. The first one is the couple of Tyree Henderson and Trisha Lynn. They married at the exact same restaurant they had met three years before the marriage had been scheduled. Furthermore, the restaurant continued to serve the regular customers who walked in and out while the wedding was going on. The second couple in line is the couple of Caragh Brooks and Paul who got married Taco Bell place.

9. Bungee Jump

Here we have the couple that wanted to do something different at the time of getting married, so they had nearly 20 relatives and friends suspended nearly 150 feet in the air in order to let them all witness their marriage. All the arrangement was done in a pretty secure manner to avoid any mishap.

8. The Mid-Air Wedding

This couple really crossed the line which was made the Bungee Jumping couple. This marriage stunt was done by a British Couple who had their marriage on a number of biplanes. The minister and the couple were on separate planes when the marriage

was carried out. Furthermore, all the proceedings of the wedding were carried out using a number of wireless devices.

7. The Joker Wedding

By the name of it, this wedding might sound creepy. The wedding was carried out at the Alberta Street Clown House in which the couple and the guests were all dressed in clown suits. In addition to this, the marriage was made memorable by having a number of stupid activities like mud wrestling, minibike tricks and much more.

6. The Underwater Wedding

For those of you who are looking to have an underground adventure, a trip to the Key Largo Florida is recommended. By spending a very small amount, you can have a wedding underwater with the guests sitting in special under water rooms and spaces. Furthermore, you can also have your honeymoon at this place.

5. The Marriage in Hell

Tina Milhoane and Robert Seifer showed the world that the weddings do not need to be all fanciful and conventional. They both got married in a haunted house with a small number of guests dressed in weird suits. In addition, the groom came right out of a coffin while the bride was dressed in a way which made her look just like the character Carrie.

4. High on Wheels

Looking to for a place to get married on wheels, then I have a ride for you that has been designed to host your marriage ceremony. This holy matrimonial ride has been designed using a pipe organ, weird glass windows and much more, just to make your marriage memorable. The car can also carry a few of your special guests to be a part of the ceremony.

3. The Garbage Dump

For those of you who think that marriage stinks, I have just the place for you which you are going to love. Rockie Graham and Dave Hart were the ones behind this idea. The idea was to get married in a garbage dump and to show the world it doesn’t matter where you get married and in what manner, what matters is in fact the love you have for each other.

2. On the Top of Mount Everest

This marriage is indeed the first marriage ever that was carried out on the top of the highest mountain in the world. The Nepalese couple had joined an Everest expedition and had planned to get married when they would reach the top. After getting married, then kissed each other by taking off the oxygen masks for a while, meanwhile all other team members clapped.

1. The Nudist Wedding

If you are worried about the expensive suits you would be required to where on your wedding day, then I just have the place for you that is not so formal. The place is known as Hedonism Resort III where nearly 29 couples had got married wearing nothing at all. It was the biggest nudist wedding ever in the course of human history. Furthermore, the resort comes to provide everything totally free only if you plan to have a four night stay at the resort. There a number of other places where you can get married in the exact same manner.


Categories:   Weird/Odd


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